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- PC-Task 4.4
- With FPU Emulation!
- Changes for Version 4.4
- -----------------------
- Version 4.4 improves compatability once again, and fixes some
- problems with previous versions. See the history for file details.
- Changes for Version 4.3
- -----------------------
- Version 4.3 of PC-Task introduces higher compatibility, and allows the
- Amiga owner to now run Windows 95. Please see notes below about
- installing Windows 95. Other improvements include faster Cybergraphics,
- DMF (Distribution Media Format) disk support, improved codepage support,
- improved video compatibility, and other changes.
- Extended memory can now be increased up to 63Mb.
- SVGA Video7 compatibility has been improved so you can use SciTech
- Display Doctor (formerly UniVBE) in order to give Video VESA (VBE)
- support to software which requires it.
- Some new ToolTypes have also been added:
- 1) CACHESIZEOVERRIDE ToolType has been added. This will allow you to
- set the code cache size (a part of the dynamic buffer). This is
- useful for programs that involve a lot more code than normal software.
- For example, it speeds up Windows 95 booting.
- 2) TECHNICAL ToolType added. This creates a text file in RAM: called
- "PCTtech.txt". This contains technical information about your
- configuration in order to help technical support. Send this file
- to tech support if you have a problem. Make sure you run PC-Task
- right to the point where you have problems, as PC-Task adds details
- to this file as you are running it.
- 3) VIDEOBIOSFILE ToolType allows you to use an external video BIOS.
- 4) BIOSFILE ToolType allows you to use an external BIOS. Floppy drives
- won't work if you use an external BIOS. This will only work with
- the Dynamic version of PC-Task.
- Installing Windows V3 with PC-Task
- ----------------------------------
- You should have no problems installing MS Windows 3.0, MS Windows 3.1
- and MS Windows 3.11 under PC-Task's emulation. Please see the notes
- below if you intend to install Windows 95. We suggest that when
- installing any version of Windows the following steps are followed:
- 1) Start PC-Task in VGA with the Mouse option selected. Remember
- to allocate at least the minimum suggested Extended RAM (see
- Windows documentation)
- 2) Do NOT start PC-Task's internal DOS mouse driver
- 3) Install Windows as per the Windows documentation
- 4) Always select VGA when installing Windows. You can always change
- your Video preferences later.
- 5) Always select Microsoft compatible Mouse.
- 6) Have a ready supply of coffee. Installing Windows from floppy can
- take a while!
- The installation process can be sped up considerably by doing the
- following (requires an additional 10MB free HD space):
- a) Create a directory on your MS-DOS hard disk called WINSETUP. Do
- this by typing MKDIR WINSETUP while in your root directory.
- b) Insert the first Windows Installation Disk into drive A and copy all
- the installation files by typing COPY A:\*.* C:\WINSETUP
- c) Repeat step b for all remaining Windows Installation Disks.
- d) Change to the WINSETUP directory by typing CD C:\WINSETUP
- e) Start the installation by typing SETUP
- The Windows Installation process will now commence and even given the
- time required to copy the files will still be up to two times faster
- than installing from floppies.
- Using a Mouse with Windows 3.11
- -------------------------------
- PC-Task's internal DOS mouse driver is not for use with Microsoft
- Windows as Windows has its own specific mouse drivers. Use the
- Microsoft or PS2 mouse when installing Windows and select Mouse
- from the PC-Task Main Options screen.
- If the mouse fails to work, change the MOUSE.INI text file which is in
- the Windows directory (under MS-DOS) to read "MouseType=SERIAL2" instead
- of "MouseType=PS2".
- If using a graphics board and you cannot see the mouse, change the update
- method for the screenmode you are using to something other than "Immediate".
- This may happen if you are using a Cybergraphics board.
- Using SVGA / Video 7 Modes under Windows 3.11
- ---------------------------------------------
- The 256 Colour SVGA Video drivers provided with Windows will not work
- with PC-Task. You are now able to use the Video 7 drivers in order to
- access 256 colour screens under Windows. Modes available are:
- Video 7 1Mb, 800x600 256 colors
- Video 7 1Mb, 1024x768 256 colors Large Fonts
- Video 7 1Mb, 1024x768 256 colors Small Fonts
- Video 7 512K, 640x480 256 colors
- In order for mouse to work, please change the Graphics Update in the Advanced
- Video Options to 1 Frame or more (instead of immediate)
- Installing Windows 95
- ---------------------
- Windows 95 will run under PC-Task, but unless you have a very fast Amiga,
- performance will be very slow. We recommend at least a 50Mhz 68060 in
- order to try it.
- A few recommendations:
- 1) When installing, do a custom install. Don't allow Windows to search
- for your hardware. When you are queried about what hardware you have
- in your machine, unselect everything.
- 2) If using floppies to install, you cannot use CrossDos for the disk
- drives. You must use Amiga drives (e.g. DF0:, DF1: instead of PC0:,
- PC1:) as CrossDos cannot handle DMF disks.
- 3) Use the CACHESIZEOVERRIDE ToolType with Windows 95, as it boots a
- lot faster with 4+ Meg. e.g. CACHESIZEOVERRIDE=$400000
- 4) Be patient with the install.
- Using a 3rd party graphics card with PC-Task
- --------------------------------------------
- PC-Task has been extensively tested with the EGS-Spectrum and Picasso
- display boards. It has also been tested on both of these boards with
- the CyberGraphics RTG software.
- A few recommendations when using graphics boards:
- 1) Upgrade to AmigaOS 3.1. This is considerably more stable when using
- 256 colour screens on non-AGA Amigas. It is also the current release.
- 2) For best performance use native Amiga screen modes where possible for
- MDA and CGA screen modes.
- 3) Do NOT use any promotion utilities to force PC-Task onto a graphic
- boards screen. This will not work! Screens should be selected in
- Advanced Video Options from the screenmodes database.
- 4) If using the EGS libraries we would suggest that you try the
- CyberGraphics demo. This is available from the support BBS (see your
- User Manual for details), AmiNET and most BBS's. It considerably speeds
- up PC-Task's display when used for VGA and SVGA video modes.
- 5) If you aren't getting a cursor, and using a graphics board, change
- the graphics update to something other than Immediate (in Advanced
- video options).
- If you are having problems starting PC-Task with Cybergraphics
- 1) If PC-Task doesn't seem to be loading, use the ToolType
- PUBSCREEN=Workbench, and PC-Task will open its configuration screen
- on the Workbench. Alternatively, you can run your Workbench in 256
- colours or less.
- 2) Cybergraphics users should select 8bit cybergraphics screen modes if
- you are going to use cybergraphics modes. If they select >8bit the
- cybergraphics routines would be used as they only know 8 bit case.
- General notes
- -------------
- If using Cybergraphics software, and PC-Task will not start, try using
- the ToolType PUBSCREEN=Workbench, so the configuration screen appears
- on your Workbench.
- It is very important for speed that PC-Task is not using chip(graphics)
- memory for CPU emulation make sure you are not trying to get too much
- PC memory (or Dynamic Buffer) and ending up have some of it allocated
- in your slower memory. You can if in doubt use the FORCEFASTMEM
- keyword/tooltype which will make sure PC-Task will not use slow memory
- to get the PC memory you requested.
- PC-Task_Dynamic takes a long time to execute a CONFIG.SYS with a
- HIMEM.SYS line that doesn't have the option /TESTMEM:OFF in it. eg:-
- PC-Task_Dynamic is often considerably slower loading/start software but
- excels when all that is done and code is just executing (but not
- continually self modifying like some games do).
- PC-Task_Dynamic is very memory instensive so performance may be
- disappointing with some programs compared to PC-Task_Interpretive if you
- have slow memory (like A3640 that is in stock A4000/040/25).
- PC-Task_Dynamic's buffer settings currently use Tiny(512K), Small(1.5Meg),
- Medium(5.25 Mb), Large(9.5 Mb), Huge (PC memory times 4, plus 2 Mb) memory.
- 640K conventional counts as 1 meg. The huge setting is usually gives the
- fastest CPU emulation.
- PC-Task_Interpretive does not do paging so you cannot run emm386, Windows
- V3 in 386 enhanced, Windows 95 and generally programs that have a swap
- file with that version.
- If you are unhappy with graphics update please go to advanced options and
- change the update method (for every PC mode or just the one you are unhappy
- about) to after 2 or 4 frames and see if that is better, or if already at
- that setting try the immediate update method.
- Don't run EMM386 (check your config.sys) unless you really want to as
- it slows doesn PC-Task.
- Windows V3 runs faster in standard mode so if you don't need 386 enhanced
- you might want to use win/s command line to force windows into standard
- mode.
- When running Windows V3 in 386 enhanced you probably have to use the
- command line "Win /D:X" or edit your SYSTEM.INI file so Windows doesn't
- use A000-FFFF for memory.
- If your mouse isn't working under Windows V3, go into the Windows directory
- under MS-DOS, and change the MOUSE.INI text file to read "MouseType=SERIAL2"
- instead of "MouseType=PS2".
- Manual Changes & Additions
- --------------------------
- Page 16 - Addition
- TIMERFACTOR keyword/tootype allows changing of the PC system timer.
- Normally a timer interrupt happens 18.2 times a second. The problem is
- when games and other programs change this to a more frequent value and then
- excute a large amount of code in the interrupt causing slowdown or halt of
- the CPU emulation if PC-Task cannot keep up. So this keyword fixes the
- timer to the factor you set eg:-
- TIMERFACTOR=1 Timer 18.2 times a second and never change from this
- TIMERFACTOR=2 Timer 9.1 times a second and never change from this
- etc
- The TIMERFACTOR ToolType can also give a noticeable speed increase
- for programs, so you might wish to try altering this to see the affect
- on your system speed.
- FPU Emulation
- -------------
- To enable FPU emulation, just select the checkbox labelled FPU on the
- PC-Task configuration screen. This will only be available if you have
- an FPU in your Amiga.
- PC-Task 4 Program History
- -------------------------
- V4.0
- V4.1 Changed default to update after 2 frames for some PC display modes
- because it is usually faster for them.
- Improved after # frames EGA/VGA 2/16 color modes compatability, for
- some games. Now more compatible than immediate update.
- Fixed some CPU problems with some DPMI's.
- Improved CPU emulation speed when paging.
- Improved CPU emulation speed a bit when in protected/virtual86 mode.
- Improved cybergfx support for some PC display modes.
- Fixed Dynamic CPU emulation for some BASIC programs.
- V4.2 Dynamic now has FPU emulation for machines with FPU. Can now
- watch Quake without third party pc fpu emulation software!
- Mode 3 (80*25 text) added update after # of frames, it renders
- the cursor instead of using sprite (hip hip..).
- Faster cybergraphics routines for Mode 3 both immediate and
- after # frames (new), also Mode 13 after # frames.
- Tweaked interpretive version a bit for branch prediction.
- Dynamic now faster adding code to the cache so software
- including Windows loads faster. Testing memory (eg HIMEM.SYS)
- now faster.
- Dynamic now handles self modifying code better causing less
- recompiles (Doom much faster, probably other DOS4GW stuff).
- Dynamic buffer sizes now bigger Medium 5Meg->5.25Meg, Large
- 9Meg->9.5Meg, Huge 4*PC + 1Meg -> 4*PC + 2Meg. Speeds up
- loading of Windows 386 enhanced, lots of code etc.
- Dynamic small speed improvements in code generated.
- Dynamic less cache clearing with 68040/60.
- Possible crashing when OpenScreen/OpenWindow failed fixed.
- V4.3 Much of BIOS converted to 80x86 for compatability/simplicity.
- Large amount of non time critical code converted to C for
- portability.
- Added DMF (Distribution Media Format) support for DFx:
- Faster cybergraphics routines for SVGA 256 after # frames.
- Fixed SVGA 256 color modes some pixels being changed in wrong
- location with Dynamic.
- Code page support improved.
- Options default gfx is now VGA.
- Options extendedmem now up 63 and jumps in 1 Meg when > 1Meg.
- Fixed bug in EGA/VGA with some bitplanes in immediate mode
- full update when scrolling etc.
- Improved SVGA Video7 compatability so univbe can be used to
- give Video VESA (VBE) support for software that requires it.
- Improved RealTimeClock support.
- VIDEOBIOSFILE keyword added and BIOSFILE better supported.
- TECHNICAL keyword added creates "ram:PCTtech.txt" for tech support.
- CACHESIZEOVERRIDE added to set cache size for speeding up certain
- software eg Win95 likes 4+ Meg (CACHESIZEOVERRIDE=$400000).
- Many small compatability improvements.
- V4.4 Fixed problem with palette loading Kick V2 for, non native screen.
- Fixed problem with SERIAL keyword.
- Fixed no floppy problem bios problem.
- Fixed bug with options MDA palette selection.
- Fixed bug with sound.
- Fixed cursor color problem.
- Improved SVGA Video7 compatability.
- More non time critical code converted to C for portability.
- Timer improved when TIMERFACTOR used or no cia timer.
- Dynamic, unmapped instruction handled for old incorrect software.
- Port access faster.